About me ฅ^._.^ฅ

Ever since I was young, I've loved cartoons. Some of my favourite cartoons include Steven Universe and Gravity Falls. Cartoons have really helped shape me as a person. Whenever I felt sad, I would just turn on my TV and watch cartoons. They were my escape from reality. So, watching them slowly crumble ​has really hurt. Finding out what really goes on behind the scenes has ruined the magic. Cartoons have brought me so much joy and happiness so I feel like I owe it to animators to help spread what they have to go through in order to produce these shows and movies.

Fun Facts about me!


  • I love cats 

  • My favorite artist is Laufey

  • My favourite color is pink

  • I love movies

  • I LOVE Harry Potter 

  • Steven Universe is my favourite animated show 

  • I've played the violin for 8 years

  • My favourite animated character is Snoopy!